Remember, this puzzle hunt was run in September 2022.

You find a gizmo rolling over the lava like a log. In fact, on the floor, the log is rolling. This gizmo is made of many cogs, some spinning many times faster than others. And without competition, a cog is compared to the red-hot cog rolling.

  • The GDP of Florida in 2021 in millions of dollars
  • The land area of Bahrain in square meters
  • The baker’s dozen vs. the number of stars in Super Mario 64
  • The number of square decimeters in a square kilometer
  • The number of arms on a starfish vs. the name of the sliding tile game involving powers of 2
  • The number of states in the U.S.
  • The population of Colombia
  • The maximum size of an unsigned 16-bit integer vs. the number of letters in the alphabet.